To what extent is my cultural identity a product of globalisation?
'Living in the western world, in a capital city, I’m very much included in a multicultural world. As well as that, my grandparents are from a completely different culture and that has influenced my personal identity.
After creating my cultural map, I saw my main interests stem from the western world, like America. This didn’t surprise me as I consciously involve myself in American television programmes, music and art. But I was more surprised at how widely my interests spread across the globe, from Japan to Mexico.
In the past I would have had a stronger British and Bajan identity but because of globalisation those identities are becoming more fluid and are mixing with other cultural practices and ideologies. I think my generation, especially in the western world, are huge products of globalisation. I have grown up in a society where access to the internet and easy global travel is the norm, and I wouldn’t think twice about hopping on a plane to get to Brazil, or looking up a native tribe in Africa to get a wider perspective of the world.
There are many positives and negatives about globalisation. Globalisation allows a sense of recognition and familiarity with other parts of the world. For example, having a well known brand name in a country you don’t know would make me feel more comfortable and subconsciously I would link that brand name to home. Unfortunately, globalisation has meant a loss in traditional and native cultural practices and identity, leading to future generations not knowing or recognising their cultural heritage.
I personally enjoy and embrace the fact that my identity is influenced by so many different cultures, as I feel it gives more depth to my personality, therefore making me more interesting as a human being, and hopefully more understanding of other people and their native culture.'